Reel Bad Arabs Review
release date: November 1, 2006 Director : Sut Jhally Writers : Jack Shaheen, Jeremy Earp Producers: Sut Jhally, Jeremy Earp Main Cast : Sut Jhally, Mary Patierno, Jason Young, Kenyon King, Jack Shaheen, Ana Obregón Reel Bad Arabs is a documantery shining light on how western movies portrays Arabs- usually always being negative and depicting very hostile, aggressive, greedy people. This documentary shows that we grew up on here in the west, and shows how it shifted so many people's narratives about not only the Middle East but Arabs themselves. Unfortunately we see that the common narrative made of Arabs through movies, even subtly can shift your knowledge without realizing it sometimes. Movies often times portray Arabs, especially men, or women wearing the niqab, also known as the burqa to be terrorsts, and aggressive people, and then another common narrative we find is the submissive Arab women who often times get sexualized. This Docume...